Frontend Development Basics

An offline HTML and CSS course for beginners.
Learn to code and start your way to a booming IT profession with great career opportunities. Dive into the world of web development under the careful guidance of an experienced mentor and get a chance to intern at BrainRocket.
Price €1000
13 offline classes
Focus on practice with the mentor
Who is the course for?

We designed the program suitable for a person with any level of coding knowledge. The most important things to complete our course are your motivation, ability to analyze, and dedication. Coding has no secrets — it is a skill anyone of any age can acquire.

Course Program
Lesson 1. How the internet and browser work
  • Server/hosting
  • Rules for rendering a page in the browser
  • Development tools
Lesson 2. Git through GUI
  • What it is and why it's necessary
  • Basic commands
  • Setting up a repository
Lesson 3. Markup and Semantic Markup
  • What are tags
  • Specifications
  • Validity
  • Semantics
Lesson 4. Basics of CSS Syntax
  • What is a selector
  • Types of selectors
  • Weight of selectors
  • Properties and their values
  • Units of measurement
  • Custom properties
  • Style normalization
  • Font linking
Lesson 5. Layout and Images on the Web
  • How to work with Figma
  • Raster graphics (jpg, png)
  • Vector graphics (svg and sprites)
Lesson 6. Flexbox Grids
  • Document flow and the displayproperty
  • What is a website grid
  • Managing flexbox axes
  • Complex properties - flex-grow,flex-shrink, align-contents, order, align-self
Lesson 7. Practical session
  • Review of covered topics
  • Individual work with a mentor
Lesson 8. Grid Layouts
  • Difference from flexbox
  • Standard grid flow
  • Grid areas
  • Sizes and repetitions
Lesson 9. Visual Styling
  • Events - hover, focus, active
  • Positioning
  • Correct margin setup
Lesson 10. Styling of Complex Elements and Forms
  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Select
  • Fieldset, legend
Lesson 11. Animations in Interfaces
  • Transition
  • Animation
  • When to use each of these
  • Simple work with SVG
Lesson 12. Practical Session
  • Review of covered topics
  • Preparation for work on thediploma website
Lesson 13. Graduation
  • Bonus lecture "How to publishyour website"
  • Diploma presentations
  • Networking