The skill to communicate efficiently in both written and verbal forms of language is vital for career success in the IT sector. Moreover, English is the most frequently used language in the software business, the knowledge of which is in demand by recruiters.

Apps are a convenient means for enriching your English and other language skills, which can serve you along the route to fluency. They are brief, simple to access, and entertaining.

It’s practically a small digital classroom on your mobile device to utilize whenever you are bored or have some spare time. Many of them provide games for glossaries, grammar lessons, audiobooks, etc.

So if you haven’t downloaded one already, BrainRocket has compiled the top five apps for learning English or other languages!

  • Memrise. It is a British language app that employs distributed replay of flashcards to improve the speed of learning the language. Engage yourself in classes that have videos of native speakers, so you can start speaking or advance your English fast.
  • Duolingo. It is an American language-learning mobile app. You can improve your dictionary, grammar, and articulation by using repetition. Lessons usually comprise written translation, reading and speaking understanding, and short stories.
  • iTalki. It is a language learning app and platform that links language students and educators through video calls. The app allows you to discover tutors for 1-on-1 lessons and enhance your English skills quickly.
  • Babbel. It is a subscription-based learning app and e-learning site. Discover all you need to hold actual conversations - from vocabulary terms to grammar. There’s always something new to learn with Babbel’s online classes, authentic podcasts, games, clips, etc.
  • Lingualeo. It is an online platform and app delivering language learning services for Ukrainian, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Turkish speakers. Moreover, it is a user-friendly and practical means of picking up a language with many unique tools and methods.

As you can see, each language learning app delivers something unique and can assist you in concentrating on particular skills.

Try one of these that ticks all your boxes, and you could take your first class within the next hour, as well as advance in your IT career thanks to it!